The AI Marketer's Playbook
The AI Marketer's Playbook is an actionable podcast focusing on AI and marketing. Each episode covers AI strategies, tools, and trends that are changing marketing. Listen to interviews with industry experts, analyze case studies, and get practical tips. This podcast is for anyone looking to leverage AI in marketing to improve results.
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The AI Marketer's Playbook
16 | Claire Farwell on AI for Non-Technical Entrepreneurs
In this episode of The AI Marketers Playbook, Audrey Chia is joined by Claire Farwell, an AI strategist with a mission to make AI accessible for everyone. Claire shares her journey from global roles in tech and finance to leading workshops for Fortune 500 companies. Learn how Claire uses tools like Canva, Gamma, and ChatGPT to teach AI and help businesses boost productivity. She also reveals her secrets for maintaining passion and balance, from vision boarding to world-record swimming training.
Whether you're an entrepreneur or a lifelong learner, this conversation offers actionable steps to get started with AI today.
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Hello and welcome back to the AI Marketers Playbook, where we cover actionable frameworks to help you leverage AI in your business. I am Audrey Chia, your host. And today I have with me someone super special, Claire Fairwell, the founder and CEO of AIClaire, a business dedicated to empowering non technical entrepreneurs and integrating AI in their businesses. Now, with over 30 years of experience across AI, Industries like automotive tech and finance. Claire is a seasoned AI educator and strategist who has worked with fortune 500 companies. Welcome to the show, Claire.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Hello. Nice to see you here.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yes. I was really looking forward to this chat. we would love to know, right. What has your journey been? It seems that you've done quite a lot in your life and how did you, you know, pivot and find your way into the world of AI. Yeah,
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:been around the sun a few times. and I think that all my experience throughout, those 22 countries I lived in and all those industries, some of the ones that you've mentioned, it was really natural that I came to be here right now. And I think the last part of it would be five, six years in ed tech. I wanted to upskill myself and lifelong learning is something that I dug into then and haven't stopped because I think once you do start learning, then it becomes something that's part of your life. So for me, it became so much part of my life that it actually became my work because I enjoyed upskilling through doing an alternate MBA. The company that was providing those MBAs then said, work for us, then I opened the United Kingdom, and we're a tough bunch, you know, I was, Talking to them, during a lot of the pandemic as well, which is, you know, obviously I spoke to a lot of people. There was a lot of people with nothing to do. and understanding why people wanted to upskill, professionals, non professionals, people that wanted to return to the workplace, maybe start a company, fancy themselves as an entrepreneur or want a promotion, you know, all the different reasons. And it was so amazing to just. Hear people's stories. And I love those stories so much. and then I was, I went over to the B2B side and then started selling a range of, a portfolio of different programs to companies. and then from there, just to sort of wrap this up, you're lucky that it was only the last six years I'm talking about. it was, I was asked to go and help start a female first community with emerging tech being the focus while AI, November 22, you know, came in and obviously that pushed itself to the foreground. And so I started learning. I went down the rabbit hole of learning about tools and prompting and everything that it was. And then because It was kind of contagious. And I posted a lot of things on our community. Then I was asked to teach. And then this year, since January, I've just been teaching 14 500. And, there's also I'm a volunteer for women in AI Spain. And so I'm an events coordinator. We can talk about that too, if you like.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Wow, it's super cool to hear. I think one thing that I love about what you said is the idea of lifelong learning. And I think you are that beautiful idea of that. And a lot of people think that once they finish school or they're a phase in their life, right? Then they're just going to be, you know, at work. AI is also a new skill set in which you have to learn, and it's, for me, it was like, prompting felt like a new type of copywriting that I had to slowly figure out and master. And I would love to know, like, from your experience, you know, coaching and delivering workshops for these companies, what are some of the key challenges that people usually face?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, I mean, You know, there's such a different array of people as well that I see across so many different industries and different roles. So at the beginning, it was, you know, if I'm talking, which mostly was within companies, I have to find out first off, you know what their roles were. And I wanted to know before so that I could really break it down because there was a lot of confusion. And then you have You know, let's say you have a room for a hundred, fifty, a hundred people, you have always got a percentage of people that are technical, so it's always gauging where people are when it comes to technology, which is the majority out of it. and then, you know, how from one to five has, have people even looked at AI because we live in a bubble, Audrey, you know, we just sometimes assume that everybody, you know, uses AI as much as, as us. And of course, as time moves on, I think, you know, there'll be more people, like us. But, yeah, I mean, it's so surprising. You know, I mentioned some tools and people, you know, the other day I was, I was talking at a, at a big company and they hadn't heard of perplexity the entire room and it was international.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Wow. Yeah, wow.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:it's incredible. So I hope that answers your question. But, it's always about, you know, just really gauging people's levels. and then, you know, focusing in. If you've got a whole room that you have to try and, you know, do something productivity tools, you know, for that's that's available for use cases that they can use. But then when you start to get more specific, it gets easier to dive deeper into it, you know, because it's there's so much to learn.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:yeah, absolutely. And for the companies that you have been coaching, right? how is leadership or management dealing with the fact that AI is here? I guess they would be more open to it since they're having, you know, these workshops with you, but have you met people with certain mental, blockers when it comes to adopting AI?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I'm talking about Companies on this side of the world. I'm talking about, you know, European companies, but then without naming names, some are much more longstanding, traditional companies that, even though I've been given the green light to come in, they only have Chachibuchi 3. 5 at the time. So there's only so much that they can do. So when you face all of these people in front of you and they go, Oh, that's lovely. Oh, that's lovely. But I can't, it's like, yes. So, you know, let's try not to be too frustrated. This is what you can do with it. And then when you get the green light, you know, because people are facing, you know, data, privacy, And, you know, these things take a long time, particularly in an enterprise. Some companies are much more advanced than others. so it's, it's, it's, you know, you can't say that every company is the same at all. You just treat it differently each time.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:yeah, definitely. I think one interesting point of view would be like, How firstly, receptive leadership or management is to adopting AI. But secondly, how agile is the company to be able to adapt and then to embrace the new tech, and figure everything out. As well as maybe the third point of how the people within the company have to pivot, and adopt the new technology to change, right? So maybe with that in mind, right, for individuals themselves who are, you know, Trying to leverage AI. Usually when you coach them, what are some of the first few things you get them to understand, are there any specific concepts or tips that you'd usually give someone who is new in an organization, just figuring things out?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, I mean, you know, just with, Somebody that's never even been in in a I and there's just been so much buzz around it so much of the trend at the beginning and the reality now is as far as companies that it has calmed down that people have stood step back of starting to ask questions you know that you know this is my data this is privacy you know ethics which I drum in all the time you know these are the steps we need to take we need one tool or we need to sort of You know, do side by side testing with tools. But when I have that person, that individual, a lot of the time, it's just complete confusion and there has been too many things to choose from too many tools, too much reading. we are, we have so much information available to us. And so, it's really hard to put the time management in the day, set aside the time. And for companies to clearly put it across and have meetings with, with, come with, with their employees to say, listen, you know, we're going to do this one tool. This is the clear message and I want the feedback and I want to monitor it. It is an effort. You can't just throw things at people. You need to monitor it. And a lot of the problem is is that businesses, because they managed to tick along. in a big mess. And so we find that you have to clear up the mess, the actual business itself, and then see where bit by bit, you know, once that's fixed to add things on like project management tools, how many people you speak to that they don't use project management tools, because it's just a nightmare at times because you get too many emails and too many reminders and So there needs to be methodologies that actually work that people can use because otherwise it just becomes so stressful. So sometimes I've had to take it all back. And we've even, as I said, have to start again because, you know, 25 tables of 10 people are saying that this project management tool is not working. So, yeah, there's existing problems.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:to your point, right. sometimes it can be very overwhelming and. Maybe sometimes less is more, which is why I even tell my clients in their copywriting workflows You don't need a hundred tools Let's just pick one or two and then really learn how to leverage it and that's how you see like maximum productivity gains with Minimal kind of time and resource investment, whereas if you spread your attention Everywhere. You'll find that you won't get anywhere, right? And speaking of tools, right, Claire, are there any specific tools that you usually recommend companies to start with?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah. I mean, you know, again, it's always on a case per case, but it tends to be that I have favorites that are longstanding companies that first off have solid privacy, in place. And that's something I always stress that you need to check that, and keep checking it, you know, because with all those updates that they can make without letting you know, productivity tools. So. you know, obviously, when somebody has, an LLM, whether it be, you know, the chatbot like chat2BT or whatever it is, Microsoft, et cetera, understanding that there could be, if you're beginning a framework of prompting, to teach a very basic prompt framework to keep people sort of, you know, going in one direction. Just sort of with the practicing and then, you know, moving along. I like to teach, A GPT, you know, if we're obviously talking on on chat. GPT, I like to create a GPT to solve problems, whether it be an airline, customer service, GPT or an hr, assistance. You know, because there are always questions in HR that are sort of after hours or. Silly little things that you'd be scared to ask for, like, you know, my, I don't know, my headphone, or whatever, something doesn't have batteries, you know, and I don't, I feel nervous to ask, so, you know, you have all that in a GPT, and it's like, oh, if you need batteries, or if you need this, you just, you know, contact this poor person, or whatever, with a phone number, but, And then I like to teach, obviously when it comes to research, again, we talk about perplexity, but then you can talk about like consensus and things like that, depending on the needs. and then, I think my party favor has always been, depending again what the company uses, although it ties in nicely with PowerPoint, is, is, Gamma. I mean, Gamma was one that came out, I think it was March 23. And it still just surprises me beyond belief when people haven't heard of it. To create a presentation with your theme, with your, you know, with whatever it may be, whether it's copy pasting or whether it's give me an idea for a presentation with however many slides you want. And I joke, it's like, I can't even, you know, the kettle will have not boiled, you know, by the time that my presentation's ready. It's It's incredible. And of course, companies like that, you're not surprised that they're still here. So I would say, that's, that's a good, good, go at it to start with. Those are some solid favorites of mine.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:I love, what you said about, like, using tools for not just copyright, but like for research and even productivity, right? Because there are so many ways to use AI tools. For myself, I like to start from a problem first approach. Like what do I need to solve? What can I operationalize or streamline? Then I work backwards and search for the tools that best suit my needs. And a thing about like AI is you can also use it in your day to day life, right? I am using it to streamline some workflow stuff at work, but in my day to day life, I ask it for suggestions. Do you also use AI in your everyday, Claire?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, I wanted to also touch upon it. It's like you said as well. It's like you, you know, if it's an individual or if it's a company, the communication has to be there that everyone understands where they need to go in and fill the gaps and to help. But sometimes they don't know what tools can do that either. But finding out where the problems are is a good start and then go from there. yeah, no, I, I use it. I mean, it's just chat GPT like everywhere on my web browser or, you know, in my pocket. I mean, it just, it just helps with everything. I mean, you know, I'm really fortunate. I don't really sort of do much on the, what the heck is for dinner thing anymore because my husband generally has that one down, but having said that he now has chat GPT so that, you know, he can deal with all of that, I think for business ideas as well. You know, there's a new business idea that's brewing, and it's just incredible as a thought partner to, it's particularly with, with canvas and chat GPT when you have the paid for, it's absolutely amazing how, you know, it can just before your eyes, just you could shorten and lengthen, the content creation as well. I mean, you said outside of work, you know, I would say, I mean, I use it, yeah, my thought partner would be the biggest thing, really, for what would I do without it kind of thing, you know?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yeah, sometimes I have conversations with chatGPT on my phone, right? Just because I want to bounce ideas. I can just have like, I can just share something, then I'll ask, what do you think? And then I'll wait and see what it thinks. And then it helps me to synthesize some of my thoughts as well as gives me different perspectives, which is what I appreciate, having that. Third person's or AI's point of view on something then you get to reflect on whatever you just thought about which also helps Me in a sense to come up with better solutions or more creative solutions
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah. It's, it's, it's amazing because of the memory, you know, then it just, you can keep diving deeper and deeper and deeper when you're trying to find like the name of, of a company or something like that and just adding all of this. There's no way that, I don't know how we did it before, we just didn't. Yeah.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:used to ai the like the non ai life seemed impossible And it feels like a world of difference
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:travel, right? You know, with travel, it's like you can tell you all updated information on flights and, and best routes, see whether you're using, you know, like, I don't know, like, kayak or an Expedia, you know, GPT. I mean, it's, it's incredible. No,
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:learning, right? Do you use AI as a way to like upskill yourself or pick up a new skill? Yeah,
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:that is something that can happen. But I'm so busy with all the other programs that I'm doing and do a lingo, which is I'm on 160 days of which, you know, again, it's like, that's like a disease do a lingo. It's like, stop already. I will probably learn even more. I've tested it out. you know, to. I remember when it first came out, I was in L. A., must have been, you know, the, the voice must have been, like, I don't know, in, what was it, I don't know, September or something. And my husband was just laughing because I'm, I'm speaking, you know, I speak like five languages, so I'm like speaking in Italian, and then I'm speaking in German, then I'm speaking in French, and then Spanish. And it was just like, it's just mind blowing. So. Perhaps I should do more of it and just say to hack with this DuoLingo 150 German streak. Well,
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:five languages and I'm on it
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I was teaching all those workshops in Germany, you know, for Lufthansa Group, and I was like, you know, I speak sort of 50 percent German, you know, when you have a language, you need to have a reason to learn it, right, to practice. And then, you know, I started to, I guess I'm still on that rung.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:I love that. I absolutely love that. I really love that you're so passionate about learning and learning can come in all forms. Whether it's like AI or languages, right? But I also love to know, you know, let's talk about something that you are actually using AI for. I know you've previously mentioned using AI for vision boarding. Is that something that you're currently doing and how do you do that?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Oh, right. Yeah. Well, I mean, in my day to day, because I teach so many workshops, first off, I create workshops with AI with particularly with canvas. it's absolutely incredible. And then I have GPTs and then I produce a newsletter once a week. So again, I have a GPT for that. which, thank goodness, because I've been doing this every Friday. Since January and it's just me You know, sometimes you think am I going to have a Friday where I can just take the whole damn thing off Sometimes I do because I don't publish it till Saturday Sunday, but I have been a newsletter assistant GPT I you know, I like my videos So Descript is an incredible tool that I use to once I've generated my scripts I Put in and then I can just bang out these videos would add, you know, it adds caption and green screen and even moves You know the eyes straightforward Kind of makes me look a little bit like an avatar of myself at times, but it won't be long. and yeah, and I mean just so many other things but those would be the major things, and obviously content calendars and using super grow as well as my help for You setting out my, planification of the posts, and then going out so that I can, you know, be doing something else or teaching and, you know, not have to worry about posting or where it is.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Right. It's like having a companion to do the work for you or an intern to get stuff done so that you can live your everyday life and breathe a little easier. And I think that's the amazing part about having AI, right? It's not just like a tool, right? It's basically a way for you to increase your productivity so that it frees up time for you to do other things that you like, whether it's walking your dog or, you know, focusing on higher level work.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Oh yeah. No, I, I'm a, I'm a keen tennis player. and I'm actually, I'm actually going to break a world record in swimming. So I'm training, like a bit mad, like a lot of swim training at the moment. So generally I've got like goggle marks. I probably do have goggle marks underneath there.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Claire, what can you not do? What are you not doing?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Well, I know that's what I'm doing now, but I'm sure, you know, like I'm always doing something and I asked myself, what is, what is it with me that I have this, burning desire to do things to a certain level. But, yeah, you can have a few passions, I guess.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:I would, I would love to like, you know, deep dive a little into that. Cause I think that's very interesting even for us as listeners, right? What do you think is the thing that drives you? And in so many aspects of your life, right? Cause it seems like you have, you're driven in like the AI coaching space. You're also driven in, you know, doing great work for your clients, learning new languages. And of course for like, what do you think keeps you going?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Well, I've only got one life. So if I don't do it now, when am I going to do it? When am I going to try it? You know, I, I was born like this, with a drive. I did have breast cancer in 2010. When you have your, you know, when your body is put back together again. Well, that made it worse. That made me twice as twice as bad.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Hungry and passionate. I won't say it's bad.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I had like a year of being put back together. You know, my husband was well, you know, great. And then it was just like, go again. So
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:I think the fire and passion is something that I deeply admire. Cause I think it's, it's that zest for life, right? Like being able to give it your all. that, that's a very satisfying feeling, professionally and personally. But you know, yeah.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I don't think that my philosophy is actually nothing is impossible and Barbie stole it from me. So, I don't know who came up with it first because we're kind of around the same age. But, I, yeah, I just think you've just got to do it. You've got to, the only person to stop yourself is you, so you might as well not get in your own way.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yeah, we should, we should trade, trademark that, Claire. I think you can own that! Barbie stole it from you. Yeah. But going back to, like, what you said about vision boards, right, and maybe using AI in your workflows, I think it would be great if you could show us or do a demo to let our listeners or viewers basically understand what your workflow is kind of like.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, well, I mean, I really wanted to share a vision board because I just think we're four weeks away from Christmas Day. you know, whatever anybody celebrates for me. It's four weeks away from Christmas day and my birthday. So it's a big one and you know, cause it's a birthday, but, I, it's very powerful and I'm not, you know, you know me a little bit now by asking me about what drives me, my passion, but I'm going to tell you that I've always, I've always focused, whatever I focused on, I've always got it. Now, The, there is, it's okay as well to not know what you want, but to admit that you don't know what you want. Because otherwise it's this, this sort of fight of, I'm supposed to know what I want, but it's okay not to know. And you just go with it until you know what you want. But when you know what you want, And then you create a vision board. I'm going to show you the magic of it. And I know you're all so excited now. Should I share my screen?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:yes, please. I would love to see that.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:All right. So I'm going to take you to my Canva, magical place of Canva. So first off, actually, what I'm going to show you is, an example of what I created for 2024 around this time last year. So let's make sure I pull the right one up. I'll just blow this one up bigger over here. Can you see that one?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yes, perfect.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Okie dokie. So this is a very simple format. I'm going to show you how to do it. There's lots of different templates in Canva and it's a free one unless you have the paid. and I just wanted to separate it. into these simple areas. and this is what, that I, what I wanted. So independence, that's interesting that I called it independence, but, there we have generating a very strange looking butterfly, but whatever it's swimming. sharing, which, I was not teaching, like I am this time last year. So it was, it's been an incredible year teaching AI workshops. And then travel. I mean, you've always got to have some travel, right? And then shared dreams. My husband is much cuter than this guy. This is just dreadful, but, that's, you know, my thinking of his, you know, I share his dreams. Again, my, my daughter, it was, she didn't know which university she was going to go to, so she had high hopes. And my other daughter is, you know, very much into drama and art. This is very personal, sharing my life with you all, but I, I think it's a, it's, it's very valid.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:yes.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:So now let's quickly go and show you how to create a board. So first off, if you just want to go up where we have, the search bar and just search, Canva templates, and then just put vision board, even though I've already done this before so that you can see, all right, search for vision board. And then you're going to see there's so many different templates and depending on the kind of thing that you want. Now, when you see these little pro, that means you've got to upgrade and pay for it. And we don't want to do that today. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to choose, let's say this one and I can customize this template. And this is pretty free and pretty free sense. So then what I'm going to do is. There's various ways of actually uploading pictures. So we can go to upload, so we can just basically upload files from here, right? Or, we can also go into Magic Media and we can actually create something. So let's say, I don't want the Eiffel Tower, and I want, Let's see. What should I put? Something, the Taj Mahal. Oh goodness. I don't know why I've chosen this because I have to create the Taj Mahal. Oh gosh. I hope this is the right spelling. on a, summer's day. This is getting really finicky. Right. Well, for goodness sakes, let's, let's watch the pretty little icons. and see if it understood anything of what I said or if
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:but it's, it's, oh, wow, that's pretty good, no?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:That is good. Oh, I've got four wonderful versions. Well, you know what? I'm going to go for the colorful one.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Great choice.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:put it in that. No, there it is. So that's my travel. I want to learn, I want to learn German, let's say, right? I want to learn a language. learn a Learn French. Language. give me a scene. I could have put the Eiffel Tower in there. No, couldn't I? Give me a scene with French, cycle, and castle. I mean, you know, what are you going to do?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:I love that. Ha
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:So now, what am I doing? Okay, now we've got to go, I've got to actually take this off. And I'm going to redo this here. And I'm going to cheat the system. Because it's, we're not going to do all of these, because we don't really have time for this, folks. But let's go back to Magic Media. And I'm going to copy and paste that. I've got no more credits. Well, now I'm going to upload something people.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:ha ha. You gotta
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:let's just upload this, this entire thing. Let's wait a minute.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:And I think the great part about Canva is you can either generate AI here, or you can generate AI on ChatGPT and then you plug it back in. Right? Or like, meta AI is pretty good with visuals as well. Yup.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Relax. Right. Whatever. So yes, exactly. Chat GPT. Something that I did yesterday actually was absolutely incredible. another thing that I, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Another thing that I do a lot of is, I don't know what that is actually, is, yeah, creating an image. yesterday I had to do, something to pretend like I was in a studio. Create an image of a bear studio with a camera, or with a light. And it's just absolutely crazy. How good it's got. Obviously, we use ideogram for when we want to put text in. But Chachi Petit's got a lot better, don't you find?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:it has improved by leaps and bounds in the past couple of months. Even for a copy, like, I'm in I'm very impressed by how much it has evolved.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Do you remember when it used to have, you know, like six fingers on a hand or Right? I mean, like, crazy. Anyway, just in case somebody has not ever tried Dali and Chachi Petit, There is the beautiful Minima studio. So, you know, you can actually, you know, put this onto a green screen and then, you know, have your image in front. It's, it's amazing, but, we let's look, let's not get distracted. So you get it, right? This is how we create it. We can change this. We can, you know, have vision board, you know, my vision for 2025, whatever we want to do, you can get really creative. Yeah. and then when you want to share it while you just simply go here, you can have, you know, anyone with a link, you can download it and then obviously different formats, in order to download, I wish we had loads and loads of time to go over it. But what I want to show you and go back to is the power of a vision board. And this, remember my 2024, what I wanted.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yes.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Well, I want to share with you what happened in 2024. So, I just did my first 4km. I didn't know that I was going to start wanting to, you know, play, beat a world record. Anyway, this was my first 4K open water. It was actually two Saturdays ago. And there I am, like, you know, happy as Larry. This is me sharing, a recent masterclass, on AI ethics to a business school here in Barcelona. Obviously I had to go and travel and find some of it. My husband, was singing the national anthem at a variety of sports events. So it's, you know, he's an artist. Let's just leave it there. My daughter won an award, for the play that she was in as a risk taker. She's kind of like a mother in that aspect.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Ooh. Sounds familiar. Ha
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:right, and then my, it was in Greece. And then my other daughter, got into Edinburgh University, and she is now in the Royal Navy as well and training. She wants to become an F 35 jet pilot.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Wow.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I'm studying Chinese and International Business. So, enough of me being the doting mother. I'm going to stop sharing and find you again
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Wow. But it's so amazing that whatever you pictured in that vision board just fell into place.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, I know, but it did, didn't it? I'm like, oh my goodness. I mean, you know, to keep it simple, you know, just choose, don't go putting 20 things up unless you really, you know, you really have to. I wanted to keep it simple and, it's surprising. And then you can put it on your desktop. You can, if you want to hide it and put it on your mobile phone, or if you want to put it in a locker, you know, and print it or on your wall. it's not that I looked at it every day even because, you know, it was just sort of hidden. I think even on my, you know, in my, in my documents, but it's very powerful.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yeah, and I think like what you said, being able to combine or like visualize what you Want to achieve with the help of AI or even without right? it's a it's something that helps you to align your internal values as well as your goals with a Super clear objective you want to achieve And then you work towards that or you visualize that kind of success I think that is the beauty of it And I think I think for Claire you seem to be someone who has achieved quite some in your life
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:yeah.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Do you have any Like, looking backwards, right, and this is also pivoting away from AI, but I think it would be an interesting topic, like, looking backwards, right, what are some of your, maybe, either proudest moments or biggest lessons you've learned from, you know, setting visions and chasing them?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, I know. I mean, first off, it was what I'd said before about not fighting. Just, just letting go if you don't know what it is, you know. I was in the modeling industry for way too long and wanted to get out, but didn't know what I wanted to do and what that looked like. and yet, I wouldn't, I wasn't going to, you know, be satisfied with anything less. than what that was, which was a feeling and then it became very apparent. my greatest gifts are my husband and my children, unquestionably. you know, it's, it really is about your family and, you know, at the end of the day. but yeah, I, I don't want to be on my deathbed and not think that I have lived my life to the fullest. So, I think that is. It's the, it's, it's, it's the drive and is the, is it, and don't think that you can't do something, just try it. You will know unless you try it, you know? Yeah.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take. That's at least something that I remind myself, even when I feel
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Yeah, what's yours?
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:a risk. Yeah, I think I have so many lessons that I've learned on my journey so far of like, building my own business. I think one thing that I learned is, fail fast and learn faster. So, that is a mindset that has helped me a lot. even in the world of AI, right, testing different business models, testing different tools, figuring out my own business, and how I'm going to survive as a copywriter in an AI space, that took Pretty like that took a lot of like figuring things out and being afraid to try. But for me, like learning fast, and being okay with like failing and learning is something that has helped me a lot in the journey.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I think, and having mentors as well, you know, whether, I mean, obviously, you know, Chattopadhyay is great, you know, with privacy or whatever. And you want to have thought partners, but having mentors, people that have been there before, is, is really important. And I think another thing is in teaching, I'm actually learning and to, you know, which is why it just keeps going. And when you even go and stand in front of people, you're always learning. And, you know, that has to, that door has to be open because you want to know. They can teach you, you know.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Awesome. I, I love that. So for, for listeners who are, you know, in the phase of still learning about AI, what are your top three tips for them? So for example someone who's still new or in an organization who hasn't actually leveraged AI, what are three things you would tell them?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Right, well, take a deep breath. right. I think again, it's what, what is the reality? Let's, it's like learning a language. Why do you need to learn a language? Are you going to practice this? Is it something that's repetitive that you, you know, where are areas that, you know, it can help you with it? Are you somebody that writes, you know, the social media, for, you know, a small company. do you do HR? Whatever it is, just sort of map it out. Take your time to just look at areas where there's that repetition where you think it can help. And then you need to be, how do you find out if you're on your own or you're a business owner? and you haven't got a team of people out there sort of looking on your behalf. Well, I mean, finding ways, communities, mentors, whether it be LinkedIn, whether it be, you know, webinars, whether it be events, there's nothing like face to face and ask questions. You know, what are other people doing? don't prejudge, just keep an open mind. And, and again, one thing at a time, you know, just test it out. there are free trials for a reason. It's free to try. And if you don't like it, then don't pay for a year up front, you know, try something else. maybe, you know, like the person next to you, it works for them, but maybe for you, it doesn't. So just to, to listen to that, I think, to see if it satisfies what you need. Or
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Yeah, so don't be afraid to try and I think taking those baby steps in testing out Just one new thing a day makes a big difference in the long run. It's not like Oh, yeah a week. Yeah, I think if you were to just spend an hour a week a day actually for one week you will see an immense difference in your lives, Whether it's in the personal or professional space You will see a change and I think claire and I have experienced that ourselves. So where can our audience find you claire?
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Right, well, yeah, if you would like to follow me on LinkedIn, you can find me, obviously it's Claire Farwell. I also have a newsletter that comes out every Friday, which is, again on LinkedIn, so you could subscribe there. and, that's it. That's, that's it, unless you're in Barcelona.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:That's also a great idea if i'm ever there, you know who is gonna hit you up
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:I just saw Justin.
riverside_audrey_chia_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0011:Really? Oh, wow. I'm really, wow. I'm just a tiny bit jealous, but maybe next time I'll be there and I know I could be like, Hey, so thank you so much Claire for joining us. It was a pleasure having you on the show and thank you guys for tuning in. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and hit the bell for more actionable AI marketing insights. We'll see you next time.
riverside_claire_farwell_raw-audio_claire_farwell podc_0010:Thanks for having me. Bye bye.